Thursday, July 7th

Today was the last work day for the groups.  They all worked hard and finished off the sites.  Two groups went to the Friends of the Community, a food bank and transitional housing for homeless youth.  One group did yard work on the property.

The other group cleaned out a shed and sorted trash.  Huron County has a strict no recyclables policy and all garbage must be disposed of in clear trash bags with no visible recyclables. 

The place looked so much better after the youth had finished and the garbage disappeared.

Another team finished some odds and ends at the home where they had worked on the patio all week, here they are fixing a few boards on a small deck at the rear of the property.

Two groups spent the day cleaning the apartment of a mental health patient.  Two apartments were scheduled however one of the sites was cancelled that morning.  So the two teams worked together, rotating shifts between the guys and the girls, working hard then switching off for a break and fresh air.  They scrubbed walls, bathrooms and the kitchen.  They also cleaned the floors and dusted.

The guys are caught napping on their break time.

Some of the sites the youth worked at during the week were pretty dirty and smelly, but we are so proud of the youth for sticking through their jobs and finishing the work.  They will have a tremendous impact on those they worked for, both residents and support staff, doing some work very few would step forward to do.

In the afternoon several groups went to the REACH centre and set up chairs for the Steve Green Concert.

They sold CD's for 'The Upside of Maybe'

They collected, sorted and loaded food donations into the truck as people came to attend the concert, as well as direction traffic in the parking lot.

Finally they had the opportunity to hear 'The Upside of Maybe' perform as the opening act for Steve Green.

They then came back to the church for their closing praise and worship session.   They really broke out of their shell the last few nights, formed strong bonds with new (and old) friends, and praised God together.

The song 'Dance'

The youth requested that this young lady join 'The Upside of Maybe' and sing a song.

 Mark opened up the microphone for anyone to share their God moments from the week.  He spoke to the youth on the theme "I am a child of my loving father, because I am in his promises I have Peace- No matter what.  He used texts from Philippians 3:20-21 and Revelations 21:1-5.  He asked the youth to develop their own battle plan to work on peace when they arrive home.

They finished the night by signing their shirts and the banner with this years theme logo on it.